Mid-Winter Work Retreat

Registration for this camp is now closed. Please see our events page for a list of upcoming camps and retreats. Are you looking to arrange your own family or church gathering at Peniel Ranch? Get in contact with us and we will see what we can do to serve you and your group.
Friday, March 14, 2025
Monday, March 17, 2025

Mid-Winter Work Retreat

Come volunteer at Peniel Ranch for a mid-winter work retreat!

We would love to have you join us for our mid-winter work retreat. Come work alongside other Christians and create fun memories while working together! 

Can't stay the whole time? No problem, come when you can and stay as long as you want! We're flexible, and we'd rather have you come for a day or two than not at all. 

During the day, everyone will be working on projects that fit their skill level, and then in the morning and evening, we will have times of fellowship and diving into God's word. 

Need a break from life? Come experience something that refocuses your eyes on what's important- God, His word, and serving Him!


Landscaping Projects-

  • Weeding front patio, walkways, garden boxes
  • Mowing lawns
  • Tree limbing
  • Weed whacking
  • Pinecone and leaf pick up
  • Fencing
  • Irrigation

Kitchen Projects-

  • Food for camps
  • Organzing the fridge, freezer, and pantry

Cleaning Projects-

  • Deep cleaning kitchen
  • Deep cleaning dining hall
  • Deep cleaning rooms
  • Paint touch-ups around housing

Building Projects-

  • Ranch House (Drywall repair, painting, bathroom caulking, foundation vent screens, roof flashing, kitchen - counters and flooring installed, new flooring installed in the entryway)
  • Carpentry
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Drywall

Miscellaneous Projects-

  • Tomahawk backboard
  • Archery stand backing
  • Pouring concrete pathways

Do you have a remote job? You can work here at Peniel Ranch because we have reliable, high speed internet!




- $


See registration form for pricing details.
We missed you, too, but there are plenty of upcoming events. Hope to see you there!