2024 Spring Work Retreat

March 24, 2024

2024 Spring Work Retreat

We accomplished a TON this work retreat! Thank you to all who worked out here!

We had a wonderful work retreat weekend! So many friends came out to serve at this camp. We worked together and accomplished a lot of the projects we were hoping to get done. We are so thankful for everyone who took time out of their busy lives to volunteer here- you all worked SO hard and we really appreciate your dedication!

Curious to see what we did?

Watch some videos of our retreat on our YouTube Channel

Projects completed:

Painted a Shalom Cabin room

Rebuilt our gaga ball pit

Victory circle area cleared out

Lots of tree trimming and clearing out dead brush

Lots of pine cones and weeds removed

Installed toilets in the Ranch suites

Installed lights

Framed the pump house foundation

Secured the playground by cementing in the playset posts

Organized closets, office, pantry, cleaning supplies, dishes, fridge, freezer, ranch store, toy room, game room, electrical room, craft room and laundry room

Washed windows of the Dining hall, suites and bunkhouses

Cleaned off spider webs from walls and ceilings of the Dining Hall, suites and bunkhouses

Deep cleaned the fridge

Cleaned kitchen walls and edging

Cleaned kitchen appliances

Changed out mop heads and restocked cleaning cadies

Made 9 egg bakes

Made 20 lbs of meatloaf

Made 3 pans of Mexican lasagna

Made 7 pans of Turkey Enchiladas

Made over 300 rolls

Made 4 pans of cinnamon rolls

Made a batch of granola and pizza


"I have seen God face to face."
Genesis 32:30
experience peniel