2023 April Character Camp

April 9, 2023

2023 April Character Camp

We had an amazing week working with over 35 kids each day!


We had almost 40 people from the Keller and Nespelem Boys and Girls Club. It was so much fun to see so many kids- and lots of new faces! The day ran smoothly after they arrived. We played lots of gaga ball and then after my grandpa shared his message, we had lunch. In the afternoon we split up the kids into different stations. They went to archery, laser guns, tomahawk and knife throwing, art, pony rides, and baking bread.


We had even more kids than what we had Monday. The different stations included a craft of dipping marshmallows in chocolate and decorating them. Baking pies from scratch in the kitchen proved to be very chaotic but a ton of fun for all the kids! They also enjoyed laser tag, archery, knife and tomahawk throwing, Gaga ball and pony rides in the bright and sunny weather! The kids joined in with the singing and I hope they listened and understood the message my Grandpa shared. Please continue to pray that the kids would receive the gospel.


Today went smoothly we had over 35 kids again. For crafts we broke pottery and then glued them back together, symbolizing how God can take us (broken pieces) and turn us into something beautiful! Then the kids baked pumpkin muffins in the kitchen, and did all the other stations including bumper balls!


The last day was wrapped up with around 36 kids. Before lunch we had free time which consisted of gaga ball, basketball, pony rides and bumper balls. Dennis did a chalk drawing which was very amazing! Through this drawing he talked about creation and how God made the world. In the afternoon the kids rotated through crafts, pretzel making, archery, tomahawk, laser guns and other activities.


Sadly, we didn't get the kids on Friday, but our crew went on a hike to Nespelem Falls in the morning and the rest of the day was spent completing projects, in the evening we celebrated Good Friday and fellowshipped together. Overall it was an amazing camp with so many kids we got to invest in and build friendships with! We hope each child went away knowing that they are loved, that God made them and that He wants a relationship with them.

Are you interested in participating in a future Character Camp? Please visit our events page to learn more.


"I have seen God face to face."
Genesis 32:30
experience peniel