2021 Year in Review—Projects and Prayer Requests

January 1, 2022

2021 Year in Review—Projects and Prayer Requests

There are many projects yet to be completed and numerous things to pray about.


Straw bale construction: This coming year we are hoping to build a straw bale shop, museum, and staff housing. We are currently looking for straw bales; if you know of a source, please contact us.

Shalom Cabin: We are getting close to finishing this building but there is still some finishing work to be done.

New activities: There are several new activities and games that we would like to set up or build.

Water slide: When there isn’t anything that really needs to be done we would like to complete the water slide, which is currently still under construction.

Round pen: We are looking to erect and weld together a round pen in preparation for the horse program.

…And more! Check our volunteer page for a more detailed project list.

Prayer Requests

As we look forward to the coming year, please pray for the growth of the ministry as well as for these specific requests:

  • Continued health and safety for Dennis and Darlene Delano
  • Salvation for the people of Nespelem
  • Growth in the local church of Nespelem and that Sunday school could start back up for the children
  • Summer volunteers for the camps and projects
  • Full-time staff to help the DeLanos


"I have seen God face to face."
Genesis 32:30
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